If your dance studio offers private lessons, it’s not because they want to make more money. Chances are they offer them to students who have different reasons for needing them. A private dance lesson can serve many purposes. You may need a private lesson the next time you experience one or more of these situations.

Missed a few classes? Take a Private Dance Lesson

You love going to dance class and you don’t like missing even one. But sometimes it can’t be avoided. If you get sick, or go on a vacation or out of town unexpectedly. When you miss more than one class, you miss the learning that took place at that class. Missing one class may not warrant a private lesson, but missing one class at a crucial time might. Check with your dance class instructor. If you miss a few classes before the recital, your instructor may insist on you taking a private lesson so you are ready for the recital, like the rest of the kids in your class will be.

Private Lesson for Extra help

Some forms of dance come easier for some students. That doesn’t necessarily mean that a student shouldn’t be taking a class, he/she may need a little extra help to excel! If a dancer is having challenges with dance moves or techniques, a private lesson, focusing on one or two techniques, can make all the difference in the world for learning. It is no fun for a dancer to be in class thinking she just can’t get it and never will. Much of dance is about self-confidence. If the dancer isn’t confident, she may not try and will fall even more behind the rest of the class. Identifying these situations is what dance class instructors can do and along with the parents, choose the right time and place to discuss having a private lesson to build confidence and get the dance student back on track!

Get Ready for Competition or Recital

Having confidence in class is important, being confident on stage in front of an audience is mandatory. With friends and family watching, if a dancer is unsure of the choreography, it will show not only in her performance but the performance of all the dancers on stage. Having a private lesson will ensure that she knows the dance and is ready to perform well with the rest of her class. Dancers who aren’t ready for recitals may end up dropping out of dance altogether to avoid that feeling in the future.

Get to Know your Instructor

A private lesson is a great way to build a relationship with your dance instructor. In the privacy of a one-on-one lesson, your dance instructor will no doubt, point out a dancers strengths, which help build confidence, as well as give exacting direction on how to work on other skills that may not be as strong.  If your dance classes are larger than 10-12 students, chances are your dance instructor may not even know your strengths, so a private lesson is even more important. If you can, look for a dance studio whose goal is to teach technique, not fill dance floors with as kids that will fit on it.

Having a private dance lesson with your dance instructor is important in many situations. If you need to schedule one, it will undoubtedly be a one-on-one lesson that will be time and money well spent. You may not need one, but if you do, the benefits will definitely show in class!