One of the best things for parents about enrolling a young child in dance class is the cute photos you get to take of them when they are little in those adorable outfits. Those pictures are precious. Time goes by so quickly and soon they are teen-agers, no time at all.

For a child, the benefits of being in a dance class extend far beyond the photos and the outfits. Dancing teaches and installs many skills and develops many abilities that extend to other relationships and environments outside the dance studio as well.

Physical Health and love of physical activity

img src=" /images/Pre-schoolers-dance-recital.jpg" alt="Preschoolers at dance recital Catherine’s Dance Studio, Parkville, MO"It is no secret that the childhood obesity rates for children have doubled in the past 30 years. For adolescents that figure triples. The percentage of obese 6-11 year old kids in the U.S. climbed from 7% in 1980 to 18% in 2010.  In 2010 more than 33% of kids were either deemed to be overweight or obese.  A regular attendance of dance class communicates the need for both physical activity and developing a love for having a routine of physical activity in your life. Behaviors and patterns can be and are usually developed at an early age. Our children learn from watching. They model after older siblings and parents. Involvement in a dance class gives them role models for health and fitness. A parent’s encouragement to “get off the couch and into a dance class” sends a signal that participating in physical activities is valued in the home.

Self Control and Cooperation

Being in dance class with other children is good for their development of self control and cooperation. Dance class is another safe environment where kids have to follow directions, learn to control their bodies (working with music and movement), work alongside and with other kids their own age (in the form of a dance group and practice for a recital or performance). They learn to concentrate, memorize, control impulses, practice respect and learn responsibility. Of course these skills are learned at home and exposing a child to these influences outside the home, with a fun, encouraging and supportive dance teacher, reinforces these skills and abilities. All of these positive reinforcements will improve the child’s ability to learn in a school room situation.


Dance class , like Pre-Ballet, builds a child’s self confidence. They participate in a community where appreciation and positive encouragement are held in high value. Kids encourage one another in class. They gain a sense of accomplishment when a dance is memorized or a performance has been executed. Performing on stage in front of an audience gives a dancer exposure to ‘doing or speaking’ in front of others. The more comfortable a child is with this the more comfortable they will be in class raising their hands, asking questions, and volunteering for duties and responsibilities. An attitude of “I can do this” is the result from having been in a dance class, learned skills, memorized steps, performed in front of others and worked with others to accomplish a goal.

There are many physical and emotional benefits to children who are involved with dance class. Parents who give this gift to their children realize that being in a dance class is a gift that gives outside the dance studio as well!